Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scene Concepts w/place holder objects

As I sit here modeling and arranging I've come to the conclusion that with all my other workload this semester that my plate may be overflowing. I don't want to end up with an unfinished product in the end and this is very distressing to me.
We're shorthanded at work which means I've been working 40 hour weeks instead of the usual 20 hour part time schedule. And this is taking up a big portion of my time.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, sorry to hear about your work schedule.. it definitely makes it harder when you're working a full work week and trying to get a project like this done.

    Good start so far, I actually like the camera angle and composition of the original photograph that you got inspiration from. The current composition of the greyscale render is a bit static... you'll get a much more dynamic composition if maybe if you dropped the camera a little, and showed more of the background receding into the horizon (just like the original photo). That was you get more depth, and you can throw in a touch of fog and depth of field to really make it stand out.

    But that's thinking ahead. Pare down your assets since your schedule is so limiting. Make it so that your car is the primary focus of the composition, and then have the environment as a secondary read. Have the floor around the car really nice (nail that texture), and then have the buildings in the back as a third read. Think about how to downplay the water and keep the focus on the car,floor, and background buildings.
