Saturday, August 22, 2009

Not done, but progress has been made.

Here is the diorama with a simple three point lighting setup. I think it's coming out kinda mediocre. I'm trying to mimic lighting setups I'm seein on and I'm learning but it's slow.

Any pointers on lighting a small scene like this?

Also, this is the last week and if I could get you to fill out Evaluation Part 2 (page 12 and 13) I would be much obliged. I'm emailing you the form again just incase you misplaced it since last time. Thanks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Good cash for clunkers candidate right here

So I've been studying my car and how it's corroded over the years. I've also been looking at some of the heaps I see at work. I think I'm coming up with a much more convincing 30 year old car.

I've only got the one side started. I've still got to get the paint corrosion on there again and tweak the rust a bit. I want to put reflection on the windows to hide the fact that they aren't opaque.

We're getting down to the wire. This project is due next Tuesday (24th) and due to time constraints unfortunately I think this project might have been whittled down to a really nice car with the best texture I've ever done and a bike set up in a micro scene like this:

I really don't like what I've just typed. I sound like one of "them" in my other classes. I know I've learned a tremendous amount this past 8 weeks but I set a goal and I'm falling, in my eyes, way short.
I'm going to try and get this thing to where it should be in the next week. I'll probably have to step on peoples toes at both work and in school but this project is the most important project I've done in this school and I need to get it done.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Car UVW

I've redone the car uvw. All body panels are now separate so their color can differenciate from the other side. Also now the unique characteristics, such as rust, won't mirror to the other side. Windows are separate, tread is condensed to 1 tiling frame, grille isn't overlapped onto itself anymore, etc. I think this is a more efficient use of texture space also. I have to go to work in a few so I'll start the texturing tonight.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Diet Bike

I got the bike trimmed down. I think you were absolutely right. The lowered poly count doesn't seem to effect the overall look of it. Although the chain and sprockets were epic.

1282 Polygons
Lots and Lots of polys....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Car mostly textured

I spent the better part of the last 5 hrs working on the texture of the car. I know it's coming along slowly but I can tell that I am getting faster at it. Faster being a relative term...

The car didn't look right being over 30 years old so I dirtied it up quite a bit. Adding rust along the bottom edges, rain streaks from the plastic trim, oxidized paint, etc.

I feel good about the project, I feel like there is finally time to devote to it rather than working on it an hour here and there. Good times indeed.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bike Model

The bike is just about done. I spend a few polys on it but I think I'll have a bike in the scene even closer to the viewer than the car so I felt that the extra polygons were nessecary. If you think otherwise I don't think it would be very time consuming to drop it down to about half.

3518 Polygons
6356 Triangles
For the texture I was thinking that this old of a bike has probably had a new coat of paint or something put on it at some time in its life but that was years ago and the old paint is showing through in places. Maybe red over green or flat black over yellow or blue. I'll do some experimenting and come up with something.

Big Big Update

I know I haven't been updating as often as I should, expect more updates in the next few days. I'm planning a few all nighters and possibly taking time off work. I said I'd get done with this project and I really want a nice portfollio piece.

On to the pictures!

2048 x 2048 Texute with AO

UV Unwrap

Car Renders (3ds max default light)

So far I think it's coming out well but I think the car is looking too new. I'm planning on mud splashes in the wheel wells and other misc drippings from 34 years of rain and weather.